What's Included 課程包含了什麼

  • 7 Modules,29條教學影片,合共3小時以上的內容 (附中文字幕)
  • 12個檔案供下載

Bonus 特別附加

  • 0-3歲兒童活動列表

    想不到在家與寶寶玩什麼? 我們提供超過100個活動點子,讓家長輕易在家準備給寶寶。活動按年齡和發展需要列出,讓家長更能把握幼兒需要。

  • 7天安心體驗


  • 解決問題


Course curriculum

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  • 3


    • 蒙特梭利學校特色

    • 蒙特梭利教具特色

    • 蒙特梭利學校Quiz

    • 請先閱讀

  • 4

    應用技巧重點1:尊重孩子和跟隨孩子 Respect & Follow the child

    • 成人對待孩子的方式 Respect the child

    • 跟隨孩子 Follow the child

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 5

    應用技巧重點 2 :生活技能和自理能力 Practical Life Skills & Self Care

    • 自我意識階段 Self Awareness

    • 幫助孩子獨立完成工作 Help me to do it myself

    • 提升生活技能 Practical Life Skills

    • 自理能力 - 穿脫衣服

    • 自理能力 - 獨立如廁

    • 自理能力 - 獨立進食

    • 自理能力 - 獨自入睡

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 6

    應用技巧重點 3:感官發展 Sensory Development

    • 兒童大腦發展

    • 感官發展活動

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 7

    應用技巧重點 4 : 兒童敏感期 Sensitive Period

    • 敏感期是什麼?

    • 瞭解11種敏感期

    • 如何觀察,協助進入敏感期的孩子

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 8

    應用技巧重點 5:規則與自由 Freedom within Limits

    • 蒙特梭利教學的規則與自由 Freedom within Limits

    • 準備自學和自律的環境

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 9

    應用技巧重點 6:情緒管理 & 正向教養 Emotion & Positive Discipline

    • 身教的重要性 Role Modeling

    • 照顧者注重自己的情緒

    • 如何處理孩子失控的情緒

    • 請大家嘗試應用

  • 10

    課程概括 Summary

    • 課程概括

    • 兒童活動列表(0-3歲)

    • 意見調查

    • 如有問題




自己對蒙特梭利教學不太認識,但睇完Playful Chaos嘅文章,開始好認同呢種教學方法,對成為媽媽嘅我有好多啟發。 上堂時覺得你好有心思去講解同分享,同埋堂上嘅內容都好寫實,好貼地,唔會太過離地又或者要求家長一定要跟隨每一樣方式,而係提醒家長,可以按每個小朋友自己嘅能力去調節。呢樣我相信係講者本身都係以小朋友為大前提前,先可以咁樣分享同講解。 另外,雖然個課程係講關於蒙特梭利,但其實當中都帶岀一個訊息就係有關「正向教養 」,呢個我相信都係同蒙特梭利分唔開。因為要令小朋友有正面嘅思想,真係唔容易,家長嘅配合係最重要。

「會推薦👍🏻 簡單 直接易明」


會推薦👍🏻 簡單 直接易明,將課程分成不同階段,可以逐少逐少地睇,👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻



幸好初接觸蒙特梭利時是遇上了你! 再次謝謝你的分享,也許也是改變了我小朋友一生的選擇,GO FOR MONTESSORI !



"It was clear and concise and gave me all the important concepts of Montessori as well as a lot of real-life examples of how to implement it at home."


I have attended the course organized by Playful Chaos " Montessori at home". At that time I was a total beginner in Montessori and Fiona's course was an eye-opener. It was clear and concise and gave me all the important concepts of Montessori as well as a lot of real-life examples of how to implement it at home. I was so excited and tried some of the ideas immediately at home. The result was also immediate! I am very thankful and would definitely recommend it to any parents who are looking for a child-centered way of parenting.

"The course was creatively taught and helped me to understand how to create a better learning environment for my daughter."


The course was creatively taught and helped me to understand how to create a better learning environment for my daughter. I am now more knowledgeable on how to stimulate each part of my child’s mind to give her a more adaptable approach to learning. Thanks to Fiona for the amazing information and I look forward to taking more classes!

"This course will set you on the right course to understand Montessori. "


This course is not to miss if you were like me who was not familiar with Montessori but like to learn more. The course not only covers the basics of Montessori but gives practical tips on how to apply it at home, whether your child is a newborn, terrible 2, or kindergarten. This course will set you on the right course to understand Montessori. It has inspired me to give Montessori a try for my son!