What's Included 課程包含了什麼

  • 4 Modules,24條教學影片,合共6小時以上的內容 (附中文字幕)
  • 7個檔案供下載 

Bonus 特別附加

  • 60分鐘線上諮詢


  • 7天安心體驗


根據課程內容的指引,兒子確實是更容易入睡了, 證明課程的內容真的有幫助!

T 媽媽


Bonnie with Moses (16 Months old)

十分感謝有這個機會讓我認識睡眠諮詢,一開始我以為只是那些叫人狠心讓他哭的方法,原來是一套十分全面的方法,讓我認識原來睡眠與他平日的飲食、營養是否足夠等等也有關。 由第一天實踐Fiona的建議至今已一個多月,感恩寶寶的進展很好,在媽媽陪伴下已可不需拖手便入睡,而且半夜醒的次數已很少,即使醒來拍拍他便會再睡。 再次感激遇上Fiona,在她的指導、陪伴和鼓勵下,我膽敢說:「我的寶寶醒來和睡著都是天使!」

“I believe the biggest reward from Fiona’s service is that raising a child should be a fun experience and not a chore.”

Ophelia with Lucy (10 months old)

Lucy was a fussy sleeper and took us usually 1 - 1.5 hour to get her to sleep. In other words, most of our evening was gone. At times, Lucy cried in the middle of the night in her sleep (manically). Although we thought it was normal, we were absolutely tired and helpless. Fiona pinpoint the root cause of Lucy’s trouble sleeping and offered some practical and easy-to-follow recommendations. It took us about 1 week to fully sleep train Lucy and we were utterly surprised to see how effective and easy it is. On most of the evenings, we are able to send Lucy to sleep at around 7:30pm. And now I must say a big thank you to Fiona for showing us the right way and the entire journey has been helpful and supportive. I believe the biggest reward from Fiona’s service is that raising a child should be a fun experience and not a chore."

Course curriculum

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    • 睡眠環境設計

    • 蒙特梭利的睡眠環境

    • 挑選合適用品

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 環境準備

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    • 父母的心態

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 父母的心態

    • 孩子的心態

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 孩子的心態

    • 正向教養 Positive Discipline & 自由與規則

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 正向教養

    • 觀察孩子

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 觀察孩子

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    • 初生至三歲的睡眠發展

    • 設計睡眠時間表

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 設計睡眠時間表

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    • 哭泣式睡眠法 & 漸進式哭泣睡眠法 Extinction / Gradual Extinction

    • 逐漸離開睡眠法 Gradual Withdrawal

    • 溫和睡眠法 Pick Up Put Down

    • 不哭鬧睡眠法 Gentle No Cry

    • 如何選擇睡眠學習方式

    • 請大家嘗試應用 - 挑選睡眠學習方式

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    課程概括 Summary

    • 課程概括

    • 意見調查

    • 如有問題